Confused? Then you haven’t heard about the incredible community of SITS (The Secret is in The Sauce) run by two fabulous chicks, Heather and Tiffany!! We’re all about leaving tons of comment love on tons of blogs, and searching out incredible, new blogs. I have met so many new friends through this community and have had so many laughs with the awesome pool of writing talent shared within this group. And every day we all get to meet someone new!!! Cool beans! And today it’s my day, ...my day in the sun, ...my time to shine!
So welcome everyone! My name is Jeannie, aka Queenie Jeannie! This title was given to me by my husband Thomas, before we were even married. (Attention single ladies: Go for a military guy!! THEY ARE TRAINABLE!! Just sayin.) Like any hive, there is only ONE Queen, and yeah, that would be me. I’m the boss. And not because I’m bossy (mostly), but because it’s a really tough job and nobody else wants it! I’m a proud Army Wife to Thomas and have been since March 2, 2002. Together we have served through three Iraqi deployments and lots of military career ups and downs. Anyone who is, or has been, in the military knows that as a couple you truly do serve together, even if you don’t wear a uniform. I’m also a proud Mom to three incredible children! Alexandria, my eldest, is 20 and is currently living in Germany. (She’s married to the Doofus. But we aren’t going there today.) Next is my blond-haired, blue-eyed son Shane, 17, who is currently living in Wisconsin with his Father and breaking girl’s hearts left and right. Then there is Isabella, aka The Bella, who is 5. I may be the Queen, but she is definitely The Princess!!! She’s not spoiled, just loved….abundantly!!!
I have been blogging for almost three years, so picking only three posts for today was something of a challenge. So I did a poll, and these are what my “regular” readers picked!
I have regular “programming” on my blog as well:
Sun – My Sunday Blessings
Mon – Monday’s Monet Moment
Tue – Great Tip Tuesday
Wed – Inspiring Quotes Wednesday
Thur – De-Stress Thursday
Fri – Date Night Friday
Sat – LOL Caturday
Of course programming is subject to change if I get a wild hair and feel the need to share something special with everyone. Like my epic battles with Charter. Or my super, duper rude neighbors. Or if The Bella has done something especially adorable that day!! You'll also notice those too cute shields at the top of my blog (handiwork of April - blog designer to the stars...and us too!). Click on any one of them to read just on that topic. I blog about...well you know… life stuff,...a lot like yours most likely. I just wear a tiara. Yeah, really. It’s definitely how I roll!
And yes, I DO realize this is already much too long, but I have one last thing! A giveaway!! The requirements? Leave a comment (NO stoopid word verification thingy – yay!!!!) on this post, AND become a follower. Yes, it’s a bribe for more followers. So I’m fabulous AND shallow. I’m totally ok with that. What’s in it for you?? This…
…my cookbook!! If you want to lose weight, or just eat healthier, this is just for you!! Lots of delectable recipes, including pasta dishes, cheesecake, and chocolate delights!!! YUMMY!! My little way of saying thank you for sharing in my special, saucy day!! And I hope you will come back often because southern hospitality rules in my happy world, even if I am NY broad!!!! Enjoy!
1 – 200 of 217 Newer› Newest»Congrats, Jeannie! Very exciting.
Alright Jeannie! You go girl. :)
You know I follow you and I'd loooove that cookbook!
OMG! I feel so special that I am seeing this before the link is even up at SITS!! Have fun! And I can't wait to see how many more followers you get!
OMG! This is so awesome, congrats Jeannie!!!! I always follow your blog, enjoy and totally love your posts :) and I would soooooo love the book!
No way! Your sits day! Holy crap that's awesome big sis!! I love when it's a blogger that I already adore, makes it even more special.
Enjoy your day and soak it up (but don't try to write every single commenter back because it's impossible. Really.)
I am so happy for you!!!
Having a "SITS" day is truly a feather in the blog world cap. You deserve it. Although I have been following you for a while now I feel like I got to know you better through this post!
Enjoy your day Queen Jeannie!
Oh, happy day!! Congrats!! I know I giggled my entire day when it was my turn!! Have big fun!!!
Congrats Jeannie!!
Well deserved SISTa :)
congratulations on your sits day! i have been a lurker of your blog for quite some time and really enjoy it. Your husband's return had me in tears...i can't imagine what kind of blithering idiot i would be if i actually knew you two!
Hope it is a spectacular SITs day for you! Enjoy it.
De-stress Thursday sounds good to me! Happy SITS Day!!!
Very nice indeed..Jeannie...
Jeannie!!!! I'm sooooo happy for you sweet friend on your featured SITS Day! Well deserved. You and your blog are just awesome.
Many Blessings & Enjoy!
PS I'm still going to check out the burner...I had a busy day and got sidetracked.
Ohhhh! A cookbook! I just love bribes. What a nice welcome, you sound like one great chickie. And thank you for your service for our country (I agree you serve with your husband). It's an honor to be here on your SITS day!!
Congrats!!!! I hope you enjoy your SITS Day! :)
Hey girly...stoppin' by from SITS...CONGRATS on your SITS FB DAY!! I LOOOVE your adorable site. Happy New Year to you and your family, and a thanks to your hubby for his service. Stop by and say hi...anytime!
Congratulations on your SITS Day! You have an amazing site, I love it!
Congratulations on your SITS day!!
Off to go check out your fave posts up there!
Congrats on your FB day! Nice blog you have here! Off to check out your blog now! :)
I can't believe how organised you are with your schedule! Happy SITS day :)
Congrats, Happy SITS day!
congrats Happy SITS day to you!!!!
Look at you!! It's your day! So awesome!! Congrats!!
Hello from Utah! Stopping by from SITS! congrats on being the featured blogger.
Congrats! Happy Sits Day!
OK first, I just have to say that you have the cutest blog design EVER. And now I'm off to read posts! :-)
Oh and happy SITS day!!!
Congrats on being feauered on SITS! I totally love them for allowing us to meet great bloggers like YOU!
Enjoy your day!
Mayya @ Sew Chic and Unique
Congrats on your moment on the sun - may you feel and enjoy its warmth!!
As the Sister Act song says "I will follow you"!!!
Happy New Year from N Ireland.
How cool is it when someone you already know has their sits day? It's so very cool. Enjoy, my dear!
lol, i love your sense of humor, YAYY for military wives ;)
you know i am deff entering for the cookbook, following you now ;)
congrarts on your SITS day off to check out your posts!
Your Highness, I love your blog design! The castle with the shields is very cool! I am now a follower and would like to participate in your little giveaway. I married well too!
Congrats on your SITS day!
Congrats on your special day and on snagging a such a sweet stud muffin.
I don't serve with my Army man (stingy that way the Army gets him during deployments so he is ALL mine when he's home. :) I just don't share well)but I do wear the uniform every now and then just for fun! Hugs, Jen
Good Morning and Happy SITS Day!! Great post.
Thanks to your hubby for his service.
Happy SITS day! You deserve it!
Wishing you a happy SITS Day and a new year filled with happiness too! C :)
Congrats, Jeannie! I've read your blog for a while, so I'm super excited for you to have your very own SITS day. And the Snoopy dance animated gif? Love it! The Snoopy dance was the first dance my toddler could mimic, so it always makes me go "awww." :)
Hi, I'm here from SITS, and I love your blog design! It's just beautiful and so original! Enjoy your day in the sun
Your energy is almost overwhelming at 5:45 in the morning, but I am definitely going to follow . . . I am looking at a beautiful wedding cake and I get the impression that there is much to see here. Plus I like the idea of counting your blessings on Sundays. Congratulations on your SITS day!!!
Happy SITS day!!!! Love your craft room! It is beautiful - and sometimes the most beautiful things make you the craziest!
Happy SITS day!!!!
You are amazing! And, I'd like to enroll in the giveaway as well as become a follower!
Thanks so much for sharing your life with us! :)
Congrats!! Off to read more....
Great post Jeannie. Happy SITS Day!
Happy SITS day to you! Fellow military spouse here, but we're NAVY. We are about to embark on our 4th deployment in 4 years. I would love your cookbook, I am trying to lose some weight while hubby is away.
Thanks for the chance to win!
Signed up to be a royal admirer
From one proud Army wife to another - Happy SITS day
(And I'm prior active duty Air Force myself!)
Happy New Year!
Happy SITS day! I off to browse around your blog some more!
Have a great day!
Congrats on your SITS day! You sure do shine. Love your blog!
Congrats on your special day!! Looking forward to reading more (and a cookbook to boot!! Nice!) Cheers!
Totally enjoy your day in the sun darlin! You deserve it! It was so much fun when I had my SITS day. Hope you guys are well.. I have been terrible about commenting lately but I am still checking in w/ ya!
Have a happy SITS day!
sandy toe
Happy SITS day! I've been by before for your date night Friday and thought I was already a follower, but I'm not. Going to go fix that now!
YAY, Jeannie!!!! HAppy SITS day to you!!!!
Congrats on your SITS day. I loved the post of Thomas arriving back home. Bella was enjoying that band, wasn't she? LOL
(i will have to come back to check out the others later. gotta go get ready for work now)
WOWser! I just love, Love, LOVE it when someone I know is the SITS FB. Enjoy your SITS Day in the Sun!
Camouflage Christmas
Congrats on your big SITSday!!
I am now a follower - and hope you will follow back :)
Hello There! I think we've SITS connected before! Glad it's your day!
Yay for SITS day, Jeannie!
Sounds like you have a loyal royal folowing. I am joining the ranks. Congratulations on your feature!
I love your blog and the pink. What a happy site.
Happy SITS day--and New Year! Nice to meet you.
I have an ex-British Army man and he is very well-trained! Happy SITS day.
Hi Jeannie, Happy sits day! Your life does look happy indeed! What a beautiful blog!!!! I'll start following right away!
Paloma /Coffee Lovers.
Nice to meet you Jeannie. Happy SITS day. I love your blog. I used to do a regular quote post as well. I love quotes. Your family sounds amazing. Enjoy your day! Check out my non profit blog when everything dies down. We help people building their families through adoption or medical intervention.
Peace. Erica
Congratulations on being FB!! Enjoy the attention!
Congrats on your SITS day!! I'm a new follower (yes it's a shameless attempt to win a giveaway) but I'm looking forward to getting to know you. And I already learned something... I need me a military guy I can train!!! If you know any in Chicago, give them my ##! :D
Have an Extraordinary Day!
Happy SITS day. Congrats on your feature. Love the look of your blog it is sooooooooooo cute. Off to read some of your posts.
http://baileysbargainbin.com (new blog)
Congrats on your SITS day! Your blog is so cute! I'm off to check it out some more!
Have a great day!
Brag post part 1
I always said that when my husband raised his hand and took the oath, he took it for ALL of us in the family. It definitely isn't a one person thing. We were all in it to win it, and sometimes it feels like we still are!
Love the pink! Congratulations on your SITS day! And please accept my gratitude for you and your husband for serving our country! What a fun and happy blog!
Happy SITS Day Jeannie!!!! I am a huge fan of army wives. Thanks for all you do to support your hubby so he can fight for our freedoms. Love to you both!!!! :0)
Visiting from SITS! Such a cute blog Jeannie! I love that your husband is "trainable" mine apparently is not. Too late for military I guess. LOL Thanks for sharing!
HAPPY SITS DAY!!! I read your post below (Marry well) and I cannot agree more. : )
Enjoy your day!
Your blog is so cute!! I'm looking forward to reading your posts.
Congratulations on your SITS Day!! :)
Happy SITS day!! I can't read to read the posts you've chosen! :)
How exciting!!! Someone I know from Sits is having her day!! Congrats, I have been all through your blog and I just love it! I can not believe you have your own cookbook...I just started learning too cook and it is going ok so far, but somedays are really bad,LOL! Have a great one :)
Yes, ma'am...it IS your day to SITS SHINE!! CONGRATULATIONS..and enjoy the bloggy love.
I just signed up to follow and am keeping my fingers crossed to win your book. Be sure to sign it..."to Jeanie from Jeannie"..:O)
Great blog you have here! Happy SITS Day! Thanks for having us!
Happy SITS day!! I'll be back to browse around your kingdom soon!
Yay! Happy SITS day!! Thank you to your and your hubby for your service to our country! God Bless!
Congrats on your SITS day!! Enjoy!
Happy SITS day! You've been waiting for this opportunity for a long time! Great give away!
Your blog is great! I am now a follower also. Pass over that yummy looking recipe book, SITSta! ;)
Congrats on your special day.
Congratulations! Hope you enjoy your SITS day!
Nice to meet you & Happy SITS Day!
I'm glad you found a guy who's trainable! I've been married over 35 years!
Moomette's last post: Best of Moomette’s Magnificents Blog Posts 2009
Happy SITS day, I'm looking forward to checking out your blog!
Happy SITS day!
It really is great to be married to a good guy :-)
Stopping in from SITS to say hi! I am a follower of your lovely blog.
simplystacieblog at gmail dot com
Congrats on your SITS day! Cute blog :)
Happy Day SITSta! my dad was in the Air Force, so we know all about the special life that military families lead. It sounds like you have a great family and husband!
All hail the Queen! Enjoy your special SITS day!
Happy SITS day, and sign me up! I've visited your blog before...now I will follow!
LOL! Congrats QJ!! Happy SITSDAY!! (ok, you twisted my are, I'll follow you...too funny, just too funny)
She’s not spoiled, just loved....abundantly!!! This is my new motto:)
Happy SITS day! Off to check out the posts and your site! Great contest btw!
What a beautiful site you have, love the colors! Congrats on your big day! stopping by with sits love, anne
Happy SITS day!!! Keep moving forward!!!! And smiling of course!!
Congratulations on your SITS day!! I know I've been over here before, but I don't remember your blog design looking like this...is it new? Anyway, it's SUPER CUTE.
Congrats again!
You're just adorable!! Love the post! (And EVERY post!!)
Congratulations! Enjoy your day! I love your marriage post following this one. You're husband sounds so sweet. And smart :)
Congrats on being the featured blogger today. I was totally excited when I read the post and saw that it was a blogger I already read. Yay!
Happy SITS day to you sister! It is nice to meet another Southern gal on here. Best wishes to you and your family in the New Year!
Congrats and HAPPY SITS DAY!
Happy SITS day to you!! So awesome you have your own cookbook..and yes go for the military men (Marine Wife here)they are used to being told what to do so it works well for us...lol Enjoy your day SITSta :)
I am now a follower of your blog!
Enjoy your day in the spotlight!
Happy SITS day! Impressive that you blog almost every day.
Congrats! I am new to blogging, and just found SITS the other day! Love your blog!
What a gorgeous blog you have. Happy SITS Day!
ah woo-who! Congrats Queenie. very cool!! (and i know i've said this before...but thank you for serving our country!)
I am already a follower, but congrats on your SITS day! Have fun!
congrats on your SITS day! Lovin the cake on the postt below, mmmm cake...
Have a great New Years!
What an absolutely adorable blog! I just love it. Congrats on your SITS day!!!
hurray for military men ;)
Congrats on your SITS day, Queenie Jeanie! ;) I'm going of to follow you, but don't put me down as an entry for the cookbook. I have too many cookbooks already! :) And if you are free to check it out, I'm hosting a giveaway on my blog too--free earrings! :)
Happy SITS day!
You've got a beautiful blog here :)
Just stoppin' by from SITS.
You are so cute! Love your writing style! Happy SITS day!!
Happy Sits day! I'm so happy for you! You make reading your posts fun!:) Good Stuff!
YAY!! It's YOUR day!! Congratulations, girlie. I'm so tempted to un-follow you, just to re-follow you so that I can get a cookbook. But I am also a little proud of myself to say that I knew you when...
Congratulations! I hope you get to really bask in your fame!
Congratulations on your SITS Day! I love your blog and your enthusiasm....you made me smile today.:) (Oh, and love, love, love the no word verification thingy....)LOL
Definitely following you.
Soooooo.... THIS was your good news! YAY! Girl, I'm glad you're finally having your day in the sun... you so deserve it!
And guess what I got yesterday?? MY CHRISTMAS CARD! And I love it... thank you, thank you!
Love ya!
happy SITS day!! :) I love reading your blog, your happy writing, and your pep, even when you're writing about things that aren't all that happy :)
Happy SITS Day! Nice to meet you.
Happy SITS Day!
YAY! Happy SITS day! I'm loving your blog! The header is gorgeous!
I follow and hope to win your cookbook!!
Happy SITS day! I LOVE your organization!
Happy SITS Day! Enjoy your day in the spotlight!
YAY JEANNIE!!! Congrats and Happy SITS Day! You know I love your blog. :) xo
Congratulations on your SITS day!!
Happy SITS day!
It really IS the BEST DAY OF THE YEAR.
Happy SITS day! I'm a new follower!
Congratulations Jeane, I'm so glad for you. Thank you to your husband for serving our country and for you there right with him. Have a wonderful SITS Day and Happy New Year. Kathi
Fun - you're awesome! Have a happy SITS day.
And kudos for the military. We need a few more proud and strong like you!
Hey Jeannie! Congrats on YOUR DAY with SITS!
How cool to have a giveaway on your Sits day! Looks great to me! Congrats on your day!!
Happy SITS day! Fun blog! I am looking forward to following along!
Happy SITS day!!!! Thank you for being a family that serves our country.
I became a follower...so, feel free to send a cookbook my way...just sayin'
Happy SITS Day to you!!
Military men are trainable? Mine isn't. I think something is wrong with mine.
You crack me up. I love that you are bribing for followers. You are my kind of gal. I thought I was already a follower...my bad! Will rectify now. And not just because of your bribery. :) Enjoy your fb day.
Happy SITS day! Loving your blog already! Can't wait to read more!!!
P.S. I'm a follower!
Congrats on your SITS post. I know you will have lots of posts to "sift" through, but from one millitary wife to another. I like your style. Will keep reading.
Happy SITS DAY! I look forward to reading your blog daily!
Congrats on being the featured blogger! Such a cute blog!
I have yet to figure out the SITS thing. Maybe someday. I do love your blog though!
I absolutely love your site, and would love to win the cookbook. (Just had an issue where I had to return my cute Christmas jeans for a bigger size. Yeah, not fun). I'll definetely have to check out your web designer--
Happy SITS Day! I'm adding you to my google reader! :)
hi stopping in from sits. happy sits day. I wasnt expecting to cry but goodness the homecoming...brings back memories from when my dad would return. How all us kid just wish for one more day with him. Your daughter is way to cute for words.
I look forward to reading more.
From one Queen to another - congratulations on your SITS day! :) I too am a military spouse so I hear you on the ups and downs! We've been through two very long deployments...and, well...need I say more? Have a Happy New Year!
Happy Wednesday and Happy SITS day! I'm from South Carolina originally, so I loved your "Southern Hospitality Rules" at the end. Too cute! Great blog!
I am glad you came to visit my blog. I think that was the way for me to load you up, so to speak.
I love Tara too. ( of course I have too, but I would love her anyway.) Chloe is our angel girl. I don't know how we really knew what life was all about until she came along!
Congratulations on your big day! I will be following.
Came via sits- nice to meet you. incredibly grateful for husbands like yours and families like you and yours- serving our country to give us all that we so often take for granted!
Congrats on your SITS day!!!
Happy SITSday to you! Love your blog, really enjoyed the craft center. I am in need of an organizing re-haul in my craft room, hopefully sooner than later :) Feeling inspired by your center.
What a beautiful blog you have! Fun and lively!
In addition to wnating to congratulate you on being SITS featured blogger (gotta love who gal who appreciates Snoopy's charms and dancing skills!), I also want to wish all the best for you and yours in 2010.
Being the Mom of two adult children myself, it's refreshing to 'meet' someone else on here with the same.
Count me in as a new follower!
Stop by anytime to visit.
By the way, whatever your secret is to looking so youthful, bottle it and send some my way, would ya?
Glad I stopped by. Enjoy your day!
Peace, love, happiness and health,
'Diary Of A Sad Housewife'
(Soon to be renamed--hopefully!!!)
*wanting (sheesh! me and my typos!)
Happy, Happy SITS Day Jeanne! I hope your day is fabulous! I am looking so forward to reading more and more:)
Hey, congrats on your day in the sun. (and snow?) You have a beautiful family, a great attitude and a way with words. Happy New Year from a SITSsta.
Happy SITS day Queen Jeannie! I don't feel worthy to be on your sight (LOL). Can't wait to follow your blog! Very creative. I would love your cookbook...beginning the dreaded "lose 20 pounds" which I will begin on Monday.
...Tammy (one of the maids in your kingdom I'm sure) :)
Congrats on your special day. Great blog!
I hope you have a spectacular SITS day. What a great way to end 2009 and begin 2010. I am now a follower.
Happy SITS day! We were stationed at Ft Gordon way back in 2000. So glad you're husband came home safe. Looking forward to reading your blog.
Happy Sits day!! I will have to check out your cookbook- Im always looking for healthy but YUMMY recipes... cause I want to lose weight always- but never enough to deprive my taste buds :)
Congrats Jeannie on being the SITS FB for the day...so happy to meet a fella GRITS yes yes even though ya are from NY you can still be called a Grits...just have to change the meaning a bit for ya. (Girl Rooted In The South)
I LOVE your blog and am following you now and would so love the cookbook (so would DH and my loveable 7yr old) BUT I feel as though I have already won...a new friend that is going to keep me in stitches..*_*
Yeah!! Enjoy the love sweetie:)
I am trying for the cookbook again!!
Congrats on your day. I really can't wait to get started reading.
Enjoy your moment in the sun!
Congrats to the Queen! Enjoy your day Oh Royal One!! Love ya, mean it!
Happy SITS days!
You sound very organized...I guess it comes with being royalty (or military)
I did the Magic 8 Ball and it told me Very Doubtful. Bummer:(
Congratulations on your SITs feature! I hope you are enjoying your day in the sun:-)
happy sits day :)
i'm already a follower to your blog.
Congrats! How exciting is that!? :)
Not liking the Magic Eight Ball:( It said Yes. Jerk Ball;)
I hope you had a great day!!!! Your blog design is great! Off to check out your posts!
Happy SITS day!
Congrats on your big day sweetie! What a way to end 2009!
You had me at giveaway cookbook! I'm a new follower and excited to learn more about you!
I love your cards. A lot of work went into them. And LOVE the cat funnies. Did they come from LOL cats? Stopping by from sits.
Happy SITS day!!!!
congratulations!!!!! thanks for the tip about military men!
Oh Jeannie! I bawled watching the video of your husband coming home. One of my best friends is in Ramadi right now and I can't wait for him to be home safe and sound. Thank you for the sacrifices that your family has made and continues to make for our country! You are appreciated!
Happy SITS Day Jeannie!!! Always wonderful to see military wives blogging. My husband is ex-Navy, and I have so much respect for families who have the strength to be in the service!
yay - your sits day! not that i knew you were on the list - i am too! i'm sure i'm following, but i get a free pass right, coz i'm your favourite person right now!!! ha!
happy new year and enjoy your day!
Stopping by from SITS...Congrats!
Happy SITS Day! Wonderful Blog.
Wow...my morning just barely started and you already have more a hundred comments. I know everyone wants your cookbook but no one wants it more than I do...seriously. I love food, I want to make and eat yummy food but I also want to lose a few pounds off my belly and hips, so seeing how you have the perfect cookbook solution for my dilemma, I'd say I'm THE perfect candidate for your prize. See what desperation has turn me into? LOL
On a less desperate note, congratulations on your SITS day.
Happy SITS day Jeannie!!!
Stopping by from SITS :)
I am so jealous of your craft center!!
~Dionna @ Code Name: Mama
Love your site! I can't wait to poke all around here! Congrats on your SITS day!
I totally found your blog through SITS! I love the design of it too, it looks great! Tell Moi & April they did a great job.
Where in WI is your son, Shane? I'm in Neenah (close to Green Bay).
I'm totally going to check out more of your posts and join. (even without the bribe I would have done it!)
Michelle @mmangen
Happy SITS day. God Bless you and your husband you are both serving us.
Congrats and happy SITS day!
I LOVE that you have regular programing! That is a fantastic idea! I am a new blogger and doing something like that may help me stay motivated to keep writing.
My husband and I were both in the Army (Hooah!!!) but I have to disagree, they are NOT all trainable! Some of them are a down right nightmare! And some of them only make you think they are so great. When the wife's away some soldiers will play!
Enjoy your day in the spotlight Jeannie, you totally deserve it!!!
Awesome! I am off to read your other posts! Add me in for the great giveaway!!
Congrats on your SITS day-very pretty
Happy SITS day! How cool! Looks like a great cookbook.
Hi Jeannie! I am brand-spankin' new to SITS and am so happy to come across your blog ... it is so awesome! I am a new follower now, so please count me in for your giveaway! Your cookbook would come in handy with my New Year De-Bloat goals! Ha ha!!
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