Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Post-It Note Tuesday!


Sandy said...

We're getting a little bit of snow here too. I get just as excited as Bella about it! lol The other adults around me just roll their eyes. Me, I embrace my inner child! Hehehe

Intense Guy said...

Santa is worth believing in... I mean, is there a downside?


Rita said...

Big craft store and lunch with a girlfriend--whoohoo! Sounds wonderful!
I was wondering if I have been missing your blog posts lately or you hadn't been blogging. I'm going to double check, though, because yours sometimes don't come to me all the time for some reason.
Happy Thanksgiving! :)

Gail L said...

Have a great time!

Mary said...

I haven't done sticky notes in forever! In fact, I had forgotten about it!!! We woke up to a little snow on the ground this morning. I don't ever remember snow this early in the year!