Thursday, January 28, 2010

*** OMG!!! STOP THE PRESSES!!! ***

This just in...


OhMyGod, OhMyGod, OhMyGod!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anyone that knows me at all, knows that I've been obsessed and determined for us to get orders to Italy. And to Vicenza specifically. And we're going!!! THIS August/September time-frame. For real!!! (And if it should fall through, which it had better not!, then I will fall into the depths of despair the likes of which no human has ever sunk to before! But it isn't, so it's cool.)

I'm moving to Italy. It's meant to be and it's happening. This year. Me. In Italy. Holy shit. I'm going on a diet TODAY!!! I'm working out everyday!!!! I'm going to wear a big, beautiful hat and sip espresso at a cafe while looking ever so chic and say things like "Ciao Bella!". OhMyGod!!!!! I don't even like hats!!! It doesn't matter! I need to learn Italian ASAP!! I need to ebay the crap outta the stuff we don't need and will make us overweight on our travel allowance. I need to save money. I need to pay stuff off. OhMyGod!!!!!! I'm moving to Italy! I can hardly breathe!!!!! And I'm laughing and crying and screaming all at the same time!!! (Right Christina???) OhMyGod, I'M FREAKING MOVING TO ITALY!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hello?? ITALY!!!!! Thank you God! Thank you Oprah Winfrey! Thank you Tom Cruise!!!!!!

Me. In Italy. This year. I can't stand it, lol!!!

Click HERE to see my new home!!



Unknown said...

RIGHT JEANNIE LOL oprah and tom cruise! LOve ya so excited for you and so happy this made your ...well life!

Unknown said...

OHH and say it with me...DOLCE!

CCW said...

oh my, oh my, oh my!

Lived in Vincenza for three years growing up when my Dad was stationed there! YOU WILL LOVE IT! YOUR CHILDREN WILL LOVE IT! YOUR ENTIRE FAMILY WILL LOVE IT!

Take advantage of every moment & every opportunity — your kids will remember this time forever. I was just telling a friend of mine the other day that Sundays after church, we'd drive up (in teeny-tiny Fiat) to Venice and eat ice cream in St. Mark's Square. How awesome is that? How cool were my parents to do that? How lucky is an Army brat?


Kristina P. said...

This is amazing! I am so jealous. Italy is the one place in the world I want to go.

Anonymous said...

How very exciting I know you have have been waiting a long time !

Mary said...

WOOHOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That is my #2 pick, just after Hawaii.

I'm so excited for you, and I know your going to love it!

Brooke said...

wow - that's awesome!!!! :) congrast.

Cassie said...

Wow, Jeannie, that is so exciting and I am SOOO happy for you! Have fun getting ready ;D

Tara Bass said...

Ah, the perks to being in the military. Lucky you! Ciao bella.

CyndeJo said...

Congratulations! How exciting for your family.

Allyson said...

Shut. Up. I thought you meant you were "visiting" Italy...not "I'm going to live there and drink espresso everyday and buy my fruit and flowers fresh off the street while walking Bella to school..." (which, btw, way to think ahead when naming your child).

I heart you so I'm not going to go all green-eyed monster on you. But if it were anyone else, I'd stab them and then hypnotize their husband into believing I'm them. Finger and toes crossed and double-crossed that nothing goes that Army sort of way.

I didn't even know we had a base in Venice???

Unknown said...

OMG you are so freakin lucky!! I would kill to go to Italy. I want to move there and raise sheep and grapes!! ;0)

foxy said...

SHUT UP!!! I absolutely can't wait to hear all the deets. That is truly exciting news!!!

koopermom said...

Oh, I am soooo jealous. Italy is my bucket list.

Kolleen said...

WHOO HOO!!!!!!


I was married in Italy 2 years ago and was fortunate enough to spend 3 weeks there .... sipping espresso, having long, long lunches over wine! the people there are incredible...let me know if there is anything i could maybe help with...i have an entire binder of stuff from when i went!!!




Frances said...

You are so CUTE!! What wonderful news to receive. We will expect your blog to stay fascinating when you move.

Amarie said...

Congratulations!!! Dreams really DO come true :-).

Chickens in the Basement said...

Congrats! Color me jealous! Can't wait to hear what you do and where you go. Then I'll schedule my itinerary!

Margaret said...

Congrats!!! That will be so much fun and super exciting!

Evonne said...

That is awesome! Italy is a beautiful place and yes, I'm jealous!

Anonymous said...

Congrats! I love Italy! You will be amazed how beautiful it is and how much you can eat AND still stay in shape because you walk so so much. You have to eat some gelatto for me ;)

Enjoy it!

Grand Pooba said...


Yay! We are moving to Italy!

Seriously, how cool is that? WOW.

Seriously, just WOW!

You are cracking me up with the whole "hat" thing! LOL I can't wait until you start writing your blog in Italian. Ha!

You are the luckiest woman in the world. Like ever!

Intense Guy said...

Dovete respirare in un sacco di carta!

Don' la t ha lasciato c'è ne di quei tipi allegri intrappola la vostra estremità...

Vickie said...

OMG!! How exciting! Just don't ebay all the cool stuff you have been buying lately;)

BTW, thanks for the card and the nice pack of scraps! That was very sweet of you:) I was thinking "Why is the girl sending me stuff when it was her birthday" Then I opened the envelope and realized it was for V-Day:)

jkeat90160 said...

Could I be mistaken or are you just a little bit excited!!!lol

Great news!

April said...

My hubby was stationed in Vicenza when he was an Airborne Ranger and I've always wanted him to take me there so I could see it with my own two eyes. You're gonna LOVE it! I'm so happy for you, Jeannie!

Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

Oh, my, heck!!!!! Will you still be my friend when you live so far away???? (I'm feeling insecure here)

I'm so happy for you. What an awesome thing to be able to go to such a fabulous place!

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh!!!!!! HOW COOL!!!!!!!!

Me said...

YEAH!!! you are the luckiest girl in the world!!! :)

Ayelet {Jenny} said...

Bellisimo! (I picked a few words in italian when I was 14, hows that for a first BF? LOL)
WOW!What briliant news! but, Tom Cruise? Oprah? ha ha! Hey we will be neighbours (Sort off ;-))
Congrats! Is Bella excited as you are? X

Paloma said...

WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW! I've always wanted to live in Europe! Specifically Spain though! But I would also go crazy if I had the chance to live in Italy! OMG! What a great thing to experience! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!! You will have tons of new things to blog about! and you will even have a happier world!

Heatherlyn said...

WoW!!!!! So some dreams do come true! That is wonderful!!!!! You better be able to blog about all your adventures so that I can live vicariously through them. I think it would be wonderful to live in a foreign country for a while. How long will you be there? This is fantastic news!!!!!!

Mrs. M said...

That is SOOOOOOOO exciting!!! How fun!! Make sure your house has a lot of guest rooms!! :)

Amy said...

that is just amazing.. Congrats and good luck with the move. It should be neat to see what you post about..

Ed & Jeanne said...

Just don't start writing your blog in of my favorite countries I've been in!

Jenn@ The Crazies said...

Get the F*** outta here... REALLY? I am super jealous!! I am 100% Italian and I have only been there once.. when I was 15. I totally want to go back. I could come visit, right?

Melissa B. said...

WOW! And we can live vicariously thru you, correctamundo? And we don't have to even worry about missing you...Italy has Internet, right? Bellisima!

Anonymous said...

WOW Queenie, Im so happy for you, that is fantastic and those pictures of Italy are absolutely gorgeous!

AliceKay said...

Woohoo! For you and your family! Vicenza looks like such a beautiful and enchanting place. :)

LadyStyx said...


La Mere Joie said...

That is so awesome! I think I could fit in a suitcase! I don't eat much and I have a cleaning OCD...pretty please- take me!

Well, I am so happy for you! Big woot!

CB said...

I'm a little late to the party here but YAHOOO!!! I'm excited for you. We toured all of Italy last June and it definately is a fabulous country!!!
You have every reason to be jumping on the couch and buying a new hat just to throw it in the air!!

CB said...

P.S. It is REally close to Venice (which I am sure you already know) and Venice Rocks and so close to Bavaria! Ahhh the places you will see and enjoy!!! Exciting!!!!!

tattytiara said...

I'm almost tearing up I'm so happy for you. What an incredible experience you're going to have living there. Wow. Right on. Excellent. All the other adjectives that mean good. And YAY!

Cybil said...

Congrats Jeannie! What a fabulous adventure!

Denise @ Sunflowers, Chocolate and Little Boys said...

Congrats Jeannie! That is awesome news. How does Bella feel about it?

Deanna said...

You're moving to Italy!!!!!!!!!

That is so exciting. I cannot even imagine preparing for such a move.


Rachel said...

You know I'm soooo excited for you!! Amazing amazing amazing!! I love that I'll get to say I know someone who lives in ITALY!! You totally crack me up! Love you!

Tammy said...

Wow! Italy...I know I just said that on the comment above. Looks like this is a wonderful dream come true! Congrats girl!

Liz Mays said...

OMG!!!!! I am sooooo incredibly thrilled for you!!!! This is beyond exciting!!!!

Congratulations on your dream coming true!

jennifersusan said...

OMG!!! I am so excited, and so jealous of you!!! How exciting!! OMG! How is Bella taking this? Does she know it's like the coolest thing ever? I am so happy for you!!!

Bean said...

Wow! That is pretty exciting news!! Lucky you is going to be in Italy! I am jealous. (Except for the whole moving part. :P)

ChicagoLady said...

Congratulations! You are truly blessed to have the opportunity to live in such a beautiful country.