- Where is your cell phone? purse
- Your hair? auburn
- Your mother? evil
- Your father? eviler
- Your favorite food? yes
- Your dream last night? no
- Your favorite drink? tea
- Your dream/goal? domination
- What room are you in? dining
- Your hobby? stamping
- Your fear? snakes
- Where do you want to be in 6 years? Italy
- Where were you last night? home
- Something you aren’t? rich
- Muffin flavor? blueberry
- Wish list item? aerogarden
- Where did you grow up? hell
- Last thing you did? eat
- What are you wearing? nightie
- Your TV? cartoons
- Your pets? bonkers
- Your friends? friendly
- Your life? busy
- Your mood? moody
- Missing someone? yes
- Vehicle? gone
- Something you’re not wearing? makeup
- Your favorite store? Target
- Your favorite color? yellow
- When was the last time you laughed? today
- Last time you cried? yesterday
- Your best friend? Thomas
- One place that I go over and over? Crazytown
- One person who emails me regularly? Thomas
- Favorite place to eat? home
The rules, should you choose to follow them: answer these questions with only 1 word. Kindly link back to Moi, and then pick six blogs who you think are Over the Top! I'd really love to see ALL OF YOU do this, so if you wanna play, PLEASE link back so I can be nosey and psycho-analyze you all through your answers, lol!!!
Ah the surveys.. Facebook has certainly sucked me into many of these. Very fun.
Ah the surveys.. Facebook has certainly sucked me into many of these. Very fun.
Congrats on your awards! But that makes me sad about your parents. I'm sorry.
Thanks for playing with me! :)
Congrats on your award!
I too am sorry, and can sympathize, with evilness in the family....
We all know you're lovely! I'm gonna grab this tag & do it later this week!
I loved your response about your parents. So honest (from what you've said about them at all in your past). I love your honesty! I'll do my answers here
Where is your cell phone? purse
Your hair? blond
Your mother? alive and well
Your father? alive and well
Your favorite food? whatever I am craving is my favorite food
Your dream last night? didn't have one
Your favorite drink? depends on my mood. I do like water.
Your dream/goal? Happiness. It's always a dream/goal in progress.
What room are you in? bedroom
Your hobby? being a mom (not a very hobbish hobby. Ask me in 2 years when all my kids are in school and maybe I'll have a 'real' hobby by then!)
Your fear? Bad leaders
Where do you want to be in 6 years? no debt!
Where were you last night? home
Something you aren’t? a good speller
Muffin flavor? depends on my mood
Wish list item? a carpet cleaner
Where did you grow up? Southern California
Last thing you did? checked facebook
What are you wearing? jeans, a gray top, a soft green sweater, white socks
Your TV? don't watch it, but it's really big!
Your pets? a yorkie dog I do not like, a guinea pig I do like, 6 african dwarf frogs I do like
Your friends? very good people
Your life? pretty good
Your mood? a little tired
Missing someone? no
Vehicle? a 6 year-old kia sedona minivan; it keeps driving and so I like it!
Something you’re not wearing? shoes
Your favorite store? It depends on what I want to buy! I do like Target
Your favorite color? Depends on the shade and use. I can't pick a favorite; there are too many good ones!
When was the last time you laughed? today
Last time you cried? a few weeks ago when we went over our budget!
Your best friend? Jeremy
One place that I go over and over? Studio-C
One person who emails me regularly? Layce
Favorite place to eat? I enjoy going out to eat with my husband just about anywhere
That was fun!
Congrats Jeannie! I loved your list.
congrats on your awards!!
Congrats on the awards!
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