Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Post-It Note Tuesday!


Intense Guy said...

Where does the Army store this stuff? In Germany? Or do they bring it back to the States?

Why did they "cheap out" on the moving weight? They pay $billions for airplanes.

Rita said...

Bummer about the less weight!! Good luck! And it is just stuff, but you don't want to have to replace it. I might be moving in two months, too. I'll know more today...just posted my blog a little bit ago. :):) It's exciting but overwhelming at the same time. Happy Tuesday!!

MrsC.x said...

Yay! you're back!!

it is just stuff but its stuff with memories fingers crossed they keep it all safe for you

and craft purge can find a home with me in ol blighty ;) lol xx


o no its just occured you will be in a diff time zone!! i will miss our more frequent chats but hey i guess our chats will last for days now instead ;)

Unknown said...

I hate hate hate that panic! We have an idea that we are staying here so that is one less stress off our shoulders! YAY! Means kids will graduate with their friends! OK SO just give them my address and we will store everything in my garage, my fee will be use of all scrappy tools you decide to store!

Unknown said...
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Deanna said...

What experiences you are having! I know it has to be stressful downsizig, and I agree wirh Iggy...wth with them cheapig out on you, but you expect no less these days, do you. Hopefully this is going to be a great experience and the move will be less stressful than you are anticipating!

joe tacoma said...

I moved around so much growing up people would ask if my father was in the Army.

I'm looking forward to your pictures from Korea.

Deanna said...

Checking in to see if you are ok... Haven't seen you around here or on Facebook lately!

AliceKay said...

I hope the move goes well. I would have a tough time trying to decide what to take and what to store. Good luck!