Monday, October 8, 2012

Monday's Monet Moment

Happy Columbus Day!
Enjoy your day off!!!

And I would just like to say THANK YOU to my newest followers! I've now reached 626, well until somebody drops me!, which is the most this blog has ever had. AWESOMESAUCE!!!!


Unknown said...

I totally forgot that is was Columbus Day.

Intense Guy said...

Happy Columbus Day. Celebrate by sailing!

AliceKay said...

I like the third Monet. The green grass looks nice and neat and the building on the hill reaches out to me. :)

I had to go to work today. I had to be there before 8:00 to open up the office, because the other lady who usually goes in at 8:00 took a few days off. We were very busy while I was there. Seems lots of people needed lots of feed for their animals today.