I know this is very late! I have been twirling around the house like a total madwoman today!!! My "to do" list is about five miles long in preparation of The Emilys imminent arrival, and although I worked nearly non-stop, I didn't get many things crossed off the list. I spent most of the day cleaning and organizing Bella's room and playroom. The two smallest rooms of the house took me nearly ALL DAY!! Tons and tons of stuff thrown away, and also given away. That kid is a total pack rat!!! Magazines, catalogs, scraps of paper, fast food toys, on and on and on!!! I also was able to "sneak" out some toys that were way too young for her, but that she had weird attachments to. She doesn't like to let anything go!!! I was expecting drama and tears when she came home from school, but surprisingly, she was totally OK with it! Now she has tons of room to actually play in her playroom! I did organize my desk too, cleaned out the kitchen cupboards, cleaned the fridge and freezer, did four loads of laundry, made bread and the usual daily chores. Tomorrow? Right back at it, cleaning bathrooms, vacuuming, dusting and the oh-so-fun Commissary run. I'm finishing up my meal menu (I'll post it tomorrow!), so I'll make sure I have everything on hand! It's going to be YUMMY!!!! For now? An early bedtime!!!
Sounds like today, you are "Cleanie Jeannie"...
Hope you are all set for your guests soon.
You clean my place, I'll do the dreaded commissary run*...
*I'll prolly need directions..
OMG!! Energizer bunny!! Happy for you, though! You will have a blast! :):)
Especially love the pastel lilly pads.
I got tired just reading everything you have done today!
(loved the sailboat painting, by the way)
My goodness I have to take a nap just reading your list of accomplishments. I bet it feels so good and it will feel even better once it is done.
LOL at Iggy's Cleanie Jeannie. Too funny. Save some energy for your guests!!!!!
Going through the kids' toys is on my to-do list, too. Didn't make it there today and sure hope I have the energy tomorrow. I noticed my youngest doesn't play in there nearly as much as her older siblings did. Maybe the mess is too overwhelming to her, too!
Whew. You were busy.
I am also a packrat.
Wow... All this cleaning just for the Emilys's. They must be some kind of royalty lol
See you in 3 days hun
Bloggy Hugs
Lady Nutland
Love love love the water lilies.
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