Friday, January 20, 2012

Shane Graduates Today!

My soccer loving son, is now a full-fledged soldier with the US Army!

And he's just completed his training as a Combat Medic!
Here are photos from his field exercise:
Eating dessert first, lol!


Sometimes you get to "stick", sometimes you get "stuck".

I can't believe my "baby" boy is a soldier....and this isn't Halloween, it's for real!! He's now at his first duty station at Ft. Riley, Kansas.
Good luck, Shane!!!


Emily said...

Good Luck Shane and stay safe wherever you are.

Bloggy Hugs

Sueann said...

Congrats Shane!! And thank you!

Rita said...

Congrats Shane! Stay safe!!!! :)

Mrs. M said...

Congrats to Shane!

Deanna said...

Congratulations to Shane. You must be very, very proud Jeannie. Now for the Lord to keep him safe.

Toriz said...

Good luck Shane; stay safe!

shane sletten said...

What a stud

Mrs. Jones from the Circus said...

Congrats proud Momma!! His official picture looks so young and tender. I'm proud of him too. I'm such a sap when it comes to my God and my Country. Heck, my eyes are full of tears as I type this comment. (My children will for sure make fun of me someday!)

AliceKay said...

Congratulations and good luck to Shane! God Bless the American soldier!

Catherine said...

Hooah, Shane!

Liz Mays said...

Woohoo for Shane! That's awesome!

Intense Guy said...

Congrats Shane!!

(when will he be promoted and catch up with Thomas?)