Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Post-It Note Tuesday

Only Parent Chronicles


Kristina P. said...

I had four days off, where I could barely sleep, and of course, on work days, I could sleep all day!

Anonymous said...

I never sleep, it's miserable isn't it?

Emily said...

Hey Hun...

Hope you get the sleeping sorted out soon.

I promise to get something on my blog today just as soon as my little guy has his sleep thisafternoon.


Rita said...

I hate when I go through one of my regular bouts of insomnia. They just come and go. Wish they'd just go and stay gone!

Hope you get some sleep and yet also get some cards done. I love doing creative stuff, but not as much when I am under the gun, so to speak. Pressure may take a little of the fun out of it...but it can never take all of it--LOL! ;)

Hope the hubby doesn't get stuck with all the work and the blame. Remind him it was worth all the fun you guys had!! :):)
Have a great day.

Sueann said...

70 cards?? Yikes!!! Better get the lead out for sure!! Wish I had my studio organized. It always gets all the junk put in it! Sigh!!
Sorry you are not sleeping again!!
Get lots of naps!!

Unknown said...

Leave the house dirty, it won't hurt it one bit :) Hope you get your cards done! I'm not sending out hardly any this year :( Next year it's on though!!!! Hope you get to feeling better! Love ya!

Intense Guy said...

Can Thomas transfer to another unit? without 'prejudice'?

Liz Mays said...

You're going to make 70 cards? That's intimidating! I hope Thomas doesn't have to stay in the unit for the whole Italy stay!

AliceKay said...

I've received two Christmas cards already. I haven't really thought about sending any out just yet, but I bought stamps today. Had to go to the post office for the feed mill so killed two birds with one stone.

Sorry...my phone won't stop ringing so have to get going. I'll try to read more posts whenever the phones stop ringing and people leave me alone long enough to read them. Just a little big strung out here. *hugs*

AliceKay said...

big = bit Sorry about that. *sighs*