Thursday, November 11, 2010

Veteran's Day - Saluting Our Troops!

Freedom isn't free! It was paid for with the blood of our troops - past, present and future!

The Bella salutes our veterans; including Mommy (US Air Force) and Daddy (US Army)!
Don't forget our veterans!!!


Sueann said...

Wonderful tribute. I won't forget!!!!

Anonymous said...

Very well put thanks for the post Jeannie, and Bella is a cute soldier :o)

AliceKay said...

Thank you (and Thomas and every other veteran) for your service and the sacrifices you endure on a daily basis.

That Bella is a real cutie pie. :)

Intense Guy said...

I'm right there, next to Bella saluting you and Thomas -

And remembering all the veterans - the world over - since too many of them never made it home.

Mary said...

Thank your husband (and you, for "those who wait also serve") for his service!

LindyLouMac said...

Ciao to Bella for being part of your tribute to the forces today.

joe tacoma said...

God Bless all of our service men and women, past and present!

Mrs. M said...

Awesome tribute!!

Love Bella's added touch! :)

Debbie said...

What a cutie with that salute! Great tribute.

Grand Pooba said...

Bella's got it right!

Mimi said...

A huge amount of gratitude & love to you, Thomas, Alex, Nathan and all the other out there.


Liz Mays said...

Bella's adorable with her salute to our wonderful military!

Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

Beautiful tribute!
I love Bella's salute!

I got a darling card in the mail. I totally love it! You are so talented!

Vickie said...

Thanks Jeannie:)

I won't forget!

Ann On and On... said...

Love the photo!

As an American living out of the USA I really have a sense of pride in my country.

Heatherlyn said...

I appreciate those who serve.


Bella looks precious. Good post.

Dreamer said...

I salute! ^_^ I truly admire the soldiers for being so courageous!

Annie said...

Wonderful tribute!