Monday, November 15, 2010

Curtain Call Act 54

It's too late to enter this challenge, but I made it anyway, lol! I've got to get better about photographing my cards and not let them pile up!!!
This card is for Alex, who is currently at Basic Training at Lackland Air Force Base. She wasn't supposed to leave until January, but they had an earlier opening so she took it. I won't even get into how devastated I was (am!!!) about not having her with me for the holidays - AGAIN! But what can you do??? I always sang 'You are my Sunshine' to the kids when they were little so I wanted to remind her that she still is, even when she's makin' me crazy, lol!
The center is a shaker card and it says "I Love You" underneath. Now to just want until I hear from her (it's been two weeks today since she left) so I can mail it out! Love ya, Alex!!


Unknown said...

Ohh that stinks she left already. I know you are missing her like crazy! The card will make her day. And yes you do need to get on it and start posting I am going to get finger cramps from these massive postings LOL.

Regina said...

Oh Jeannie...I hate that she had to leave early but I know that you are so PROUD of her. She is going to be showing everyone her most excellent card when it arrives!! Love the shaker center.


AliceKay said...

Really sweet card. Sorry to hear Alex won't be there with you for the holidays, but I'm sure she'd like to be.

Kristina P. said...

I love the cool bubble thing in the middle!

Annie said...

Jeannie, this is too cute. I always wanted to try making a shaker card, but still haven't. Yours looks great!!! Alex is going to LOVE it!

Heatherlyn said...

I love the card! She definitely has a mind of her own, doesn't she? I hope that she is doing very well and that you can hear from her soon. She'll love the card!

Intense Guy said...

Ahh.. this entry finally loaded in my IE8... sheesh.. took a couple days...

I hope the military mailman can get the card to Alex in time!