Monday, January 11, 2010

Monday's Monet Moment

To You-Know-Who-You-Are: Your words hurt me and made me cry, but I forgive you. For my sake, not yours. Perhaps someday I will garner a fraction of the respect you freely give to everyone else.


Deanna said...

I'm sorry words or actions that hurt have happened. Hopefully all will be well with your world again soon. Huge hugs.

Evonne said...

I sorry someone said hurtful things to you.

Sandy said...

It's so sad that people feel the need to be hurtful! Big hugs to you my friend!

Unknown said...

I am loving the third painting, picnic in the park on a nice spring day!
I love you and big hugs for the hurt feelings...sometimes people need to reflect on their actions.

Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

I'm so sorry that someone was hurtful. You certainly are a sweetheart!

April said...

Jeannie...please know how sorry I am that someone out there has hurt your feelings. You don't deserve that! Feel better soon, my friend, and keep your chin up!

Heatherlyn said...

I can't even begin to imagine why anyone would be hurtful to you! Crazy person! I love the pictures though and I hope that you have a great Monday!

Debbie said...

I am so sorry someone hurt you. You are a wise and strong woman to forgive.

Thomas Kupsh said...

If anyone wants to know, her hubby said hurtful things...which is me. I am sorry that I was a turd to you.

Anonymous said...

someone made you sad? I'll kick their butt! Don't mess with Jeannie!!!!

Liz Mays said...

That makes me so sad, Jeannie! I don't want you to be unhappy. :( (((hugs)))

Intense Guy said...

I saw the 3d painting and thought - I want to be there.. in that picture...

...and then I saw your words...

:( I don't know why people say somethings - and I hate seeing you sad. I'll pay money to see Yaya kick their butt.

Skraptacular Designs said...

Hi Jeannie...I don't really know you but admire you for being able to forgive! I did read above the message posted by your husband and his apology..."Admission + Apology + Forgiveness = True Love"

Hopefully now the two of you have been able to have fun kissing and making up...afterall, isn't that why God blesses us with arguements, frustrations and hurt feelings from time to we can "Kiss and Make Up?"

Take care...


Shan G said...

My beautiful Monet...

Me said...

hope you are feeling a little better...words can really hurt.

i finally posted again on my blog...thanks for the encouragement!

AliceKay said...

I loved the last painting. The bridge is what captured my attention.

*big hugs to you*

Anonymous said...

I loved the paintings thanks for sharing, and I'm so sorry about someone being bad to you.

Jenny said...

I'm with Yaya! I'll help kick their butt! Hope today is better!

The Blonde Duck said...

I hope you're ok! :(

Margaret said...

I am sorry someone said mean things to you!
Want me to beat them up???? LOL

ChicagoLady said...

Beautiful paintings today! My fav is the third one, it really, REALLY makes me want spring to be here.

Hopefully all is well again with you and Thomas. Just remember, he's a man, and they do stupid things sometimes. But we love them anyways.

Vickie said...

I like the second from the last picture. Reminds me of Up North.

Sorry you were sad:(

Lynn Kellan said...

You sound sad and hurt. I can't imagine why anyone would say something nasty to you. Hope you feel better soon!

P.S. I'm an evil conservative too.

Regina said...

Jeannie....all of the paintings are beautiful. We don't have a museum here so it's wonderful getting to take a tour on Monday's with you and see some wonderful pieces of art. Thank you!!!

Having to forgive and forget are two of the hardest things a wife has to do are blessed that he cared enough to apologize on front of all us women. Brave..brave man!!!

Feel better soon,


Tam said...


I was reading and thinking someone in blogland had hurt you but I notice it was not. I saw what was written. I have a is currently an Army thing. Not so nice words were recently conveyed to me...and trust me...they were harsh.

So Girl I am right there with you!

Super big hugs and I hope that Recliner does not delay you tooo MUCH...WE WANT YOU BACK!


Annie said...

Jeannie, I am so sorry someone hurt you dear! You are a sweetie and I can't image who would ever want to say hurtful things to YOU!!!! Sending you hugs!

Stephanie Faris said...

Sorry someone's words hurt you. Those are beautiful paintings, though!