Friday, January 22, 2010


Today is Friday. Just so you know, that I know that. And usually on Fridays, I post my Date Night Friday post. But I'm not today. Because even though it is indeed Friday, I am not planning any dates, nor do I have any handy dandy ideas for a date. So yeah, you're outta luck. I suck. I'm sorry.

Good news though!! My head is NOT going to explode. Well not just yet anyway.

God bless extra strength Excedrin and Sudafed!! Now if they could just formulate them to work without making me feel like my stomach is going on permanent revolt too. It's not fair that I have to choose between exploding head and exploding stomach, ya know???

More good news! Bella has been fussy about getting up this week. Like me, she is NOT a morning person. So getting her out of bed, dressed and hair done for school has been a colossal pain in the butt. Today she got up easy peasy, was very sweet and super snuggley! LOVED IT!!! There is nothing on this earth as sweet as your sleepy-time-warm kiddo nestled in your arms for some snuggling!!!! I got lots of kisses and "I love yous" too!!!

She probably wants something.

She's probably going to get it too, lol!

OK folks, that's all I've got. I'm going to eat a few crackers and head upstairs to stamp. Or sleep. I dunno, I'll figure it out when I get up there!


Julie said...

Hi Jeannie - I saw the note you left on my card on SCS. The brand of stamps is called "There She Goes" and can be found here:


Have a great weekend!

Sandy said...

Felicia is usually the hard one to get moving in the morning at our house. But today, like Bella, she got up easy and was super sweet. She wanted something for sure! It was book order day and she had picked out a ton of books. Yeah, I bought them for her. Just call me a sucker!

Allyson said...

I do remember being extra nice to my parents on Friday mornings...usually it had something to do with having a sleep-over or going to Chuck E. Cheese, or having ice cream for dinner. And yes, I usually got it. And I got older...and would be extra nice to my boss in hopes of a raise (or having a sleep-over) it just earned me nasty nicknames. Teach your children well. :D

Sorry you've been forced to choose between exploding body parts. All of this rain has made me achy in all of my old woman parts and it's made me extra-moody (yes, that's a real treat for Neal). But I hear we're supposed to get some sun, in about 10 that's exciting.

Heatherlyn said...

Haha, Bella is too little to wake up with some sort of plan. Maybe it will just be a good day! Sorry about the stomache vs. head thing. I'd probably just go back to bed!
My 8 year-old saw your blog and was like "is that her husband?" and I said, "yes" and she said "wow". I think she's very impressed by the uniforms!

Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

Have a great day!

Evonne said...

I love when my kids want to snuggle! I hope you feel better soon.

Ayelet {Jenny} said...

Snuggly kids is da best! LOL So did you stamp or sleep? x

Tam said...

HI back to YA! OMG MY Hayden kicks and screams and cries every morning. It is a Pain in the BUTT. Last Friday is tantrum was so very bad that I broke out in HEAD to TOES with HIVES..we think from nerves!!! HE did not go to school...he puked all over me too!

I have not had a DATE with my Husband in 6 years...REALLY! But that is a whole other story...LOL

Hope you feel better soon...will be sending up good thoughts for YOU!

Unknown said...

LOL I vote for sleep! LOL OK OK I will get to work on something I guess. Thursdaysare are the biggest pain for me no one wants to get up.

CyndeJo said...

Sorry you have to choose between exploding body parts no fun. My kids love to stay up all night and then not get up in the AM. At least we are mostly past the kicking and screaming part...sometimes the 11 yr old tries. When I say "how old are you?" his response at that time is usually "2" and he continues carrying on :P
Feel Better soon

Deanna said...

Sometimes staying home is better than anything else.

I love it when my grandkids like to snuggle.

Have a great weekend!

Kristina P. said...

I just took two Excedrin. I have been waking up with a headache every morning this week! Boo.

Christina - Rant Rave Roll said...

Sounds like our house. I'm not a morning person and neither is Hanna. The boys are both friendly morning people.... and it is almost annoying.

Regina said...

Oh dear Jeannie...I hope ya feel better soon girl. Nothing worse than trying to decide which ailment needs the most tending to.

Bella sounds precious!! I'm so blessed that my lil man (7) still loves to cuddle in the mornings. He is normally a morning person like his momma (thank goodness, cause daddy is a grizzly bear in the am but shhh I did NOT say that and I WILL deny it..LOL) Chaz woke up very distraught and did not want to go to school. Daddy is home today (yeah..lunch date) and promised he would play Wii with him when he got home from school.

Chaz said on the way to school "Momma...ya heard are my witness..he plays games all night long" Oh Daddy is in for some hiney whopping...LOL!!!


foxy said...

So glad your head's not going to explode. That would really suck bad. Sorry you have to deal with that all the time, girl...

That Bella is a smart girl. I'll bet there's something lingering in that mind of hers. :)

April said...

Sounds like things are going pretty well in your corner of the world! Have a GREAT weekend, Jeannie!

Anonymous said...

awww queenie, I hope you feel better soon girl and you do NOT suck so don't say that, and Im glad you had a good morning with your daughter and you got lots of hugs and kisses and I love yous, my baby is 21 now and I miss that, have a good night!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for stopping by. I hope she doesn't want anything and just loves you. Have a great weekend!

Mrs. M said...

My kids have a tendency to get what they want too.....they're just too darn cute!

So glad your head isn't exploding and that you had a good morning with Bella! :)

Mayhem and Moxie said...

If I had to choose between stamping and sleeping, you can rest assured that I would end up in bed.

Hope you do too! Feel better soon, Jeannie.

Anonymous said...

Oh no, it got you too?

Vickie said...

Lindsey, the oldest, is a pain in the butt to wake up:p All she does is complain.

Man, you can't win. It is either your stomach or your head.

Charlene said...

Sleepy snuggles are my absolute favorite - especially when we have nowhere to rush to and nothing specific to do.

Me said...

i have to say that there are days i wish my kids were hard to get out of bed ONLY because they get up at 630am EVERY MORNING and are freaking chipper...i am NOT chipper at 630am especially 630am on a saturday... :)
love ya! hope you feel better!

AliceKay said...

I hope you're feeling better by the time you read this.

LadyStyx said...

Don'tcha just hate having to decide between two evils? *bah* Just hate the relief for one problem that makes you miserable elsewhere...

Annie said...

oh Jennie, sounds like things were going well for you :) I hope your tummy is feeling good today!

ChicagoLady said...

What an image, the exploding head vs the exploding stomach. Both would be pretty gross to me, lol. Hope you're feeling better today.