Isn't this amazing just how "perfect" he is, long before it was time to be born? Little Rupert, who is so small he can fit in an adult's hand, was born after vets failed in their battle to save his mother.
At just six inches tall and weighing just over a pound, he is now in an incubator in the intensive care unit at Tiggywinkles Wildlife Hospital in Buckinghamshire. He has only recently opened his eyes.
Les Stocker, founder of Tiggywinkles, said, "Rupert's mother had very severe injuries. We got the fawn out and got him breathing, then put him into an incubator and on oxygen. He is now being fed by a tube."
Dear deer: Rupert pulls a striking pose for the camera. Staff are optimistic Rupert, now five days old, will make a full recovery.
"Deer are very, very tricky, but this one has spirit. He's an extremely feisty little guy and quite pushy," Mr Stocker said.
I received this one in an email forward a couple of weeks ago. That little fawn sure is determined. I hope he survives to become a proud buck.
Nice Sunday post. :)
Such a teeny, tiny, beautiful critter! Thanks so much for sharing this. Happy Sunday!
Sx3: Supernatural
so cute!!
Aw, what a cutie - so glad they were able to save him!
God's wonder at it's best! What a cutie.
Oh, this is so sweet!
Thanks for sharing this! I hope God will continue to protect this little guy! :)
Btw, stopping by fron SITS!
What an especially sweet little thing!
That is amazing. And what some human beings will do to save the lives of animals is amazing and truly heartwarming.
Oh my gosh, what a sweet baby! It looks just like my Bella! :)
OH MY Gosh! Lindsey was just talking about this deer! I thought she was talking crazy! Now I know she wasn't. I gotta show her this.
too cute!
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