Friday, November 6, 2009

I'm really scared - so stop laughing!!

OK, so yeah, I'm a mess. I love scary movies! Why? Because they don't scare me and I love seeing everyone else all scaredy-catty. It's amusing. So when everyone was all panties-in-a-twist over this movie, you just know I had to see what all the fuss was about. I was hoping it would at least be suspenseful. Because who wants to be bored, right?

I was not bored. I was scared to death. I'm still scared to death. I do not want to sleep in my bed tonight. I do not want to even go upstairs in my house!!!!


Of course, just saying that will make some of you want to see it. But I warned you!! My chest hurts and my heart rate has still not returned to husband, who wouldn't GO to see this with me, is loving it. (jerk)


Unknown said...

Order taken and understood!

April said...

I totally saw it and was pretty freaked out. I would have been MORE freaked out if I hadn't seen the actors on the Bonnie Hunt Show the same day :( Sort of ruined the authenticity....but was pretty freaking scary slash cool.

Mimi said...

Bwahahahaha! I don't see scary movies. Too much of a wimp, lol!

Mrs. M said...

Oh no! Thanks for the warning because I was really giving it some thought!!

Mary said...

I'm a huge wimp when it comes to scary movies...especially dealing with aliens & ghosts b/c in my mind those are two of the most plausible things.

I saw this preview & knew my hubby would be seeing it alone :o)

Vickie said...

I know!!! I haven't seen it and I don't think I will.

About 10 years ago I saw a TV movie of a family that was abducted and never returned. Freaked me out. I forced Jason to sleep with me for two weeks!!

Liz Mays said...

But if you know it's just a movie and it's not true, can't you shake it off?

Unknown said...

I can't believe that I let you talk me into it! I was ok till it got dark...I'm totally freaked out now & don't want to go to bed either!!! I have been looking over my shoulder all afternoon! If this keeps up while the kids are in school I'm hanging with you...I'm not staying home alone!

Lipstick said...

I am dying to see it! (but I am totally scared to death!)

Melissa Miller said...

Most movies don't scare me either...Only two have. The Exorcist and Jaws. I saw them both when I was way too young though. Thanks Mom. Ha! ;)

Annie said...

I so hear you! My hubby and I went to see this at the theator couple weeks ago under the impression that it is all true and all. I was FREAKED out :)
And then when I got home - I just had to do research through google :) And watch something sweet like "The proposal" :)

Melissa B. said...

Thanks for the warning...SITS sent me by, and I'm glad they did!

Army Strong

Anonymous said...

I don't do scary movies!

Chanda the Eco-Cheap Mom said...

I do not watch scary movies. I dislike them so much that I get mad when there are previews on tv. I have to turn away and go lalalala so I can't even hear the scary-ness. Seriously. I am such a wimp! :)

Stopped by from SITS.

Amy said...

I looooove scary movies, and I saw it...I didn't sleep well for a while and I still don't, and that was like 3 weeks ago. Ughh, scary shit! :D

Keys to the Magic Travel said...

I cannot do scary movies. Or really gory movies. I had no intention of seeing this at all...but a bunch of us mommy bloggers are getting together next weekend...and several of them are going. I think I will stay at the cabin as planned. And pray for them as they'll be seeing it on Friday the 13th! :-)

Sonya said...

I don't get scared at scary movies either. Except "The Grudge". That one scared me A LOT. Hmmm.. now you've got me curious tho. I guess I have until it comes out on DVD to decide if I'm going to watch it or not, b/c I never get around to going to see things in the theater. Thanks for the warning tho. :)

Ryan Ashley Scott said...

I don't do scary often. I'll definitely steer clear of this one! Yikes!

AliceKay said...

I don't like scary movies or gory movies. Never have. I saw on the tv where this movie was grossing a lot of money at the box office so lots of people must want to see what it's all about. (sorry it messed with your head tho) I saw The Blair Witch Project because my son and daughter wanted me too, but I thought it was kinda weird.

I hope you can sleep better soon. *hugs*

Bridgett Owens said...

We were just talking about this movie last night. I said we hadn't watched it and a friend of mine was saying she kind of wanted to see it. Hmmm...this is the first "review" I've heard on it, though. I hate being scared long after the credits roll! No fun!

Connie said...

I can't see this movie because I *see* dead people and movies like this scare the hell out of me because I've lived some of it.

Sleep with the light on....

CB said...

LOL - Don't worry I had my share of scary movies when I was a teenager. I know I couldn't take this.
Sweet dreams - hee hee.

LadyStyx said...

I dont do scary either. I even forbid peeps from sending me those "BOO" type videos that like to roam the 'net during Halloween and April Fools. See...Im high strung....and not only will a scare like that get the heart to gets it so it feels like it's going to burst out of my chest. If that's not bad enough, I tend to stop breathing and forget to start again when the scare's over.

The Rambler said...

Um...yeah...NO way am I going to click play.

NOPE. Not me.

You crazy lady :)))

Heatherlyn said...

I never watch scary movies. I just don't enjoy them. It must have been really really scary to make you scared!

Unknown said...

Ha Ha...that happened to me once...I watched Candyman (thr original) by myself in my dorm living area in the middle of the night... I slept with the lights of for a couple of days!