You think you're a stressed out Mom?? How would you like to have to rescue your kid from a gi-normous "monster" that is about to eat him??? Never,
EVER, underestimate what a Mama will do for her child!!!

Baby squirrel falls from tree and is discovered by a dog!

Here comes The Mama!!!!

Baby heads for tree, while Mama takes care of business

Both squirrels safe on tree again. You just KNOW that dog is thinking, "OMG!! Did I just get my ass kicked by a SQUIRREL?!?!?"
Moral of the story: You're stronger and braver than you think you are! So go forth and kick your "monsters" to the curb!!!!
Great pictures honey! I love seeing a squirrel kicking a dog's butt!
That dogs expression in last picture is priceless.
Surprise is the best tactic of an attacker. Go momma squirrel!
That's awesome! What mothers will do for their children...
Now that is some adrenaline!
That's a great story with even better pictures. ;)
It's surprising how strong one becomes when their loved ones are in danger.
That's AWESOME!! where do you find this stuff?
that's frickin awesome!
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