The wonderful and lovely
LadyStyx has been one of my best cheerleaders in my battle with nicotine. AND she remembered my 90 day milestone too!! Cigarettes - blech!! They just LOOK nasty, don't they?!?!? I can't believe they were such a crutch for me for soooooo many years. Now even a whiff on someone's clothing, from a considerable distance totally makes me gag. Stress is about the only time I "yearn" for them, but no way, no how am I even going back them. THANK YOU SO MUCH for remembering this for me!!!
Jeannie, this is such an amazing accomplishment! Congrats!
Yay!!! A tremendous feat.
You are welcome. I am so extremely proud of you!
You rock!
Alright Jeannie!! Here is a big WOO HOO!!!!
I'm so proud of you!
I'm so glad you did this. It is such a gift to yourself!
I am so happy for you!! I smoked on and off for a few years during my teenage years, but I was never "addicted" I wish my hubby would quit though! It is quite stinky! Horray for you!!!!! :o)
congrats!! :) you're amazing!
Go you!!!
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