...go ahead and tell me how much you totally LOVE my new bloggy makeover!!!! Isn't it completely, fabulously blogtastic?!?!? After four designers and being told it "couldn't" be done....April made it happen!! And she still has hair left - I didn't make her pull it all out, lol!! There are a couple more teeny-tiny things to finish up, but chances are you won't even notice those. So please - for my sake and April's - go ahead and GUSH about how much you love, love, love the new digs!!

April can help YOU too!!!! Just know there is currently a waiting list, so be patient, ok? She's married AND has a full-time job AND does a lot of design work in her "free time". Yeah, so basically she doesn't sleep!! Thank you soooo much April!!!!!
Update: Wow, where has the day GONE?? If anyone was wondering, yes you CAN actually spend most of the day just staring at your gorgeous new blog layout!!! But my regular readers understand, after everything I went through just to get to this point. (Mario brothers anyone???) I think I'm entitled to just soak it all up for a bit!! I finally have my castle!!!!! I've been dreaming of this blog layout for so long and I didn't think it was going to happen. But it has!!! And just the way I wanted it - all the details, all the placement - everything!!!! It's just so freaking awesome!!!!!
So Shan........do you think Ms. Scotch Tape will comment on this post?!?!?
like what you've done with the place. are those new curtains? ;)
Wow, very pretty! Stopping by from SITS, so I'm not sure what your blog looked like before, but this sure is pretty! :)
I love it a thousand times over, Jeannie! There is no comparison to what that other "designer" came up with. This one ROCKS big time and it's so YOU!
Wow! I thought I was in the wrong place. This design is awesome and so you! Great job April!
Yahoo! Looks Fabulous!
YAY! Looks great!
See... you can always get what you want!
It looks amazing!! she did a fabulous job!!
Wow! That is amazing! I'm glad you FINALLY found a good designer!
*bow* Thank you, thank you...*gets on one knee*
I think you should knight me...lol.
Okay, JK - but it was all YOUR idea!!!
Stopping by from SITS. OK, OK, cute blog layout. She did a good job.
Tell your husband we appreciate what he does for us.
Happy Friday.
Oh Yeah I'm LIKING IT.
I do like this one so much better than the last 2. Not that there was anything wrong with those - but this just fits you and your blog so much better.
April did a wonderful job. Congrats to both you and April for a job well done.
I came over from April's blog...she did a fantastic job! I didnt see if before but I just love this design!
I LOVE it! April does such a great job.
Seriously, I love my new blog so much. It makes me happy to be there.
For a second there when it was slowly loading on my computer I thought it was the first castle...wheeh...what a difference!
This is awesome, I love it!
It's absolutely amazing!! April rocks!I had to back and read about your struggles to get a good design. Geesh!)
Can I ask a favor?? Would you leave a comment or two on this post: The Green Teen
Thank you!!
It rocks totally Jeannie! welcome home!
Nice Castle, hun. I KNEW it could be done, it was just a matter of finding someone who COULD do it. I can't believe you got April, she's been slammed for months!
Good job, April. YOU ROCK!
BTW, where is the crown? All Queens need a crown...
Gorgeous! I am so impressed! April is a very talented woman, and your creativity helped to make this an awesome design also!
love the blog....you're giving me ideas! change is always good! Jessi
This is awesome! There are a few neat tutorials there too so I'll be checking out her site again really soon.
I really DO love it! The castle is perfect and the little queen suits you...so more better than...well I won't go there.
But it's really, really fabulous!
Jeannie I absolutely love it. After looking at three or four designers myself I picked April. I just noticed that her stuff seemed a lot more original than others work. I am so glad yours turned out so great. I am second on the list now and am getting so excited!!! Congrats!!
FANNNNtastic!!!!! I love it! Congrats. I love what April did for me too, she's talented. :)
Dang!! April is an artist!! So much better than the castle from Wow Wow Wubzy! You had to go thru FOUR designers!!??
Nope, I was up a little before 7:30this morning to get Lindsey ready for school and besides Adela was calling for me. I know...sometimes I am on the computer way to long into the night:)
Congratulations! I didn't know April was working on yours too! She's finishing up on mine right now! I guess that makes us Blog sisters! haha.
At least I know I'm not the only one driving her a little Batshit! heehee
I came over here from Aprils site.. this blog is AWESOME! I'm thinking about having her make one for me.. I think she does ADORABLE stuff! I wish I was that talented!
I love it! It looks great! It's the design you wanted the way you wanted it! I really do love it!
Fabulous! April IS awesome!
I adore it. It is so perfect for you and Bella. I think April did an awesome job.
oh i love it! it's perfect! congrats hon :)
The Queen finally has a proper throne to sit upon :)
I would laugh my ass off if she did. Then I would spam her. LMAO Kidding...Or am I???!!!
Definitely cute!
Jeannie! It's FABULOUS!! I love it!
ohhhh my woooorddddddd!
it's fan freakikng tastic.
Love it.
my stamp of 'fab' :)
LOVE the new look! I want to stare at it all day too! LOL
April rocks! You new layout if totally fab & totally you!
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