I won this awesome prize from
Veggie Mom's contest. I didn't actually KNOW I was entering a contest - I just shared recipes because she asked me to, lol! And I didn't actually KNOW what "pop'prs" were either when I won a complete set of them, but hey, what the heck, I won it and it has to do with food!!! Ignorance sometimes is bliss!!! So most of you know what pop rocks are, and that is what this is too...only in way cooler flavors and you're supposed to add them to veggies, so they "pop". If Thomas figures out they are pop rocks he'll gobble them up, so maybe just Bella and I will indulge, lol. Thank you so much Veggie Mom!!!
I've never even heard of these! They should really good.
Hmm...unusual stuff...let us know how you like em.
OH MY GOSH! I will have to get those for the kids I nanny for.....they LOATHE vegetables!
I have never seen a person win more prizes and get more things from the mail on a blog in my year of doing this! Wow!
Hey... quick question... I'm just curious...
Your bio says mom of three... how old are your other two children?
*Woot*! Thanks for the Shout-Out!! Make sure to let us all know what you think. Pop'rs are the Best!!
Wow, that is so neat! Thanks for becoming a follower of my blog. :)
Sounds....interesting. Not sure if I'd like my veggies to "pop".
I definitely remember pop rocks lol. have fun!
I've never seen this before! I thought it was popcorn topping when I first saw the picture. Let us know what all you end up doing with it!
how Awesome! They look yummy!
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