Friday, November 7, 2008

Relaxing after dinner...

Bella watching a movie on Daddy's laptop. Click to enlarge and see those GORGEOUS green eyes she's got!!
This is her smile....when I'm interrupting her, lol!
Daddy taught her that!!
Thomas watching tv. Honey you really need to ditch the Ft. Stewart threads!! We've moved, remember??
Sasha kitty - she's getting bigger!! And she LOVES the Mommy best!!
My pretty kitty!!


Dorkys Ramos said...

You have such a beautiful family! Your daughter is so photogenic, too :p

ChicagoLady said...

I can tell Bella loves having her picture taken! Such a darling little girl. And Sasha kitty, oh my she is beautiful. I might just come and steal her!

Amarie said...

LOVE the blog makeover!

Lisa said...

Thanks for stopping by The JujuBoo!! I added your blog button to my clothesline :) Bella is gorgeous.

Honey Mommy said...

Look at Bella's cute curly hair!

I love green eyes... that's what color mine are too.

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous family!! And cute kitty!!

Knocked Up in Bama said...

Your little gal is adorable!!!

You're just across the line from me! What part of Georiga are you guys in?

War Eagle!

Anonymous said...

Fun pictures! My kids love to watch movies on my computer, too. They consider it a treat.