Friday, November 21, 2008

Bella's Movie Night!

Our next door neighbors (the bestest best neighbors you could EVER hope for!!) invited Bella over last night to watch Wall-E. So she had her bath early, got into pj's and headed over. She even got to stay up a bit past her bedtime. So a movie with popcorn, and she got to spend time with her friend Kevin!
Sharing a blanket! Best pals!
Mmmmm, yummy popcorn!


Sandy said...

Aww! They are just to cute:)

Anonymous said...

Is there anything sweeter than the sight of little kids in their jammies?

Denise @ Sunflowers, Chocolate and Little Boys said...

Adorable! Looks like they had a great time. How was the movie? My kids want it but it doesnt look that interesting to me, lol.

ChicagoLady said...

They looked like they were having a lot of fun. It's great to have nice neighbors.

merc3069 said...

This sums up everything America means to me.
I was reading O magazine and saw a website that I think you'll like--check out and tell me what you think;-)

Cassie said...

Awww! They look so cute!

LadyStyx said...

How sweet! Only thing that would be cuter is if those were footed jammies they're wearing!

Shan G said...

The Bella is so adorable!! We still haven't seen Wall~E yet either! I think Miss Rowan will love it though!

Vickie said...

I want to see Wall-e!! I love it when kids have friends at a young age. Lindsey started a friendship with a boy when she was almost 4 and they are still friends. The parents and I joke that they will get married. My bubbas are growing up. Stop!!!

MaBunny said...

Cute cute cute! they look very sweet and the popcorn looks yummy too! Hope they enjoyed wall-e, we haven't seen it yet.

Mary said...

I got to see Wall-E for my birthday this summer...and loved it! I thought it was adorable.

namaste said...

How adorable!!