You'll notice two archways; one for entering and one for exiting. The old Roman way was to drive and walk on the left, so the actual entrance is on the left. When you think of driving on the left, you probably think of England, but it apparently originated from the Romans!
Bells ringing!
Nicknamed the "Green Count" because he loved to wear this color on state occasions and had his entourage and escort wear the color as well. He was an extremely important political figure at the time and enlarged the region's power, lands and influence during his reign.
Streets of Turin
Tomorrow will see more of the streets of Turin, and the Palazzo Madama!
I hope you'll come back to see it!!
How Interesting that buildings have piercings and they dislike brick. I love the old brick and stone. Well if the driving on the left side originated in Rome I wonder who decided to switch it up? Learning time? I think so.
Loved the pictures and the travel narrative. I know this trip was a blast.
Love all the archways and the old wooden doors! The piercing is strange. I would have had no idea what that was unless you told me. All the tall buildings have such character, but I think I'd be a little claustrophobic with those closed in streets. You know how I'm used to being able to see for distances. And even in towns here we have so much more room. Really cool to travel with you, though, and see the sights and hear the bells. :):)
What a lovely tour we are having.
How pretty. I love all the buildings.
Europe has some of the prettiest churches and buildings on the planet.
Glad you got to eyeball some of 'em!
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