Sunday, December 8, 2013

My Sunday Blessings

Even though we are right at the heart of Christmas Market season, this weekend we just had a "pause". We all had a long, hard-working week and were just pooped, lol! Saturday we did our usual errands, timed perfectly between snow falls. And we spent the afternoon admiring our tree, and watching the snow fall.
Our skinny "Italian" tree, all duded up!

Ginger sitting on my spot on the couch!

And today? Well, insomnia struck again, waking me up at 3am. I went back to bed around 6am and was able to get in a couple more hours of sleep. But I still felt exhausted!! So no travel adventures this weekend. *sad face* Hopefully we'll make up for it next weekend!  Still, there's something to be said for just hanging out together, snuggled up on the couch and being together as a family!


Nikki said...

Beautiful Tree you have :) and do hope you get some proper sleep soon

Gail L said...

Tree looks amazing!
Have a great week!

Catherine said...

Bellissima! And I think I'm catching your insomnia, can't seem to stay asleep for more than an hour or so. :( I love reading about your travels. OK has far fewer interesting day trips than Europe. Love ya!

Lisa said...

I treasure those quiet moments at home together most of all...

AliceKay said...

Beautiful tree. Hope you had a nice Sunday. :)

Intense Guy said...

Purty tree!!

Ginger like Sheldon of the "Big Bang Theory" and has to sit on a certain spot? :)

Mary said...

Beautiful tree!

joe tacoma said...

Beautiful, Jeannie! Merry Christmas.