Monday, February 25, 2013

Monday's Monet Moment

I'm back!!! Ugh, it's been a rough time with ALL of us being sick!! Bella was out of school all but one day last week, and really got hit badly with this Super Cold going around over here. Thomas and I have had it over three weeks now, and are still coughing!!! I've been Lysol spraying and Clorox wiping everything, every day, trying to break it's hold on our house. We've also had snow, snow, snow every day too. SO SICK OF WINTER!!!!!

I did actually manage some crafting, but didn't take ANY photos!! I finished the lovely Valentine card I started HERE, and gave it to Thomas. It turned out so cute!!! I also made a bunch of St. Patrick's day items for a friend, and made up 15 post-it note holders for an Officer's Wives luncheon. Now if I could just get into, and stay into, a nice groove around here, I could craft a bit more often and even do some challenges again!!! Something also seems to get in the way!

I hope you all have a Happy Monday, and a lovely week ahead!


Deanna said...

Sun is shining bright here, but more snow coming tonight. I'm hoping the Lysol is going to do the trick for you.

Craft nook is almost finished. Only a day or two and it will be done! I need to make a Baptism card from grandson. It has occurred to me that I don't have any religious stamps! Hobby Lobby here I come.

Hope your day turned out to be a really good one.

Sueann said...

Thanks for the Monet this A.M.
Have a great week

AiringMyLaundry said...

Pretty!! I love the colors.

Alison Scott said...

Thanks for sharing the pictures.
Glad to hear that everyone your end is getting better.
It really seems to have been an awful illness that's going about and, touch wood, it doesn't come here.

ChicagoLady said...

Hope all of you can stay healthy now! I was doing the same thing, wiping everything down with Clorox wipes to kill all the germs.