Wednesday, January 30, 2013

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #191

It's that time again!!! Time to have a world-wide nosy through other people's craft desks!! LOVE IT!! This has been a tough month for me craft-wise because it's been a tough month for me SLEEP-WISE, lol! But things seem to be getting back to "normal" after our transatlantic trip to Florida. Be sure to link up with Julia, on Stamping Ground, to see some incredible art and wonderful, creative desks!!! You won't be disappointed!

Yesterday I spent nearly the entire day in my Stamping Studio! Lots to clean, organize, move around, rediscover, lol! And the final product of my efforts was this...
TA DA!!!!!

I moved everything off the third shelf on the left, to the new cubby, so then I shifted all my clear mount cases over, creating more room in my Work Box. The cases you see here are about half of my collection!

Notice that the little table has NOTHING on it, or under it!! A miracle!!!!

If you listen closely, you can hear the angels singing at this newly organized space!

I built the new IKEA cubby, MYSELF!, on Sunday. So now I have a Big Shot/Magnolia station!

Oh right! The desk!!! So what's on my desk this morning? New Magnolia stamps!!! I got the last of them last night in the mail. Oh happy day!!! Some of these are from the newest collection, and some are much older. I finally found some that I've been looking for, for a while now. I also bought some scor-tape since so many crafters use it and I wanted to try it out. Do you use it???

AND....Remember when I promised (again!) to make something crafty??
Well I did!!! I made this adorable Valentine gift for my oldest daughter. (She hardly ever reads my blog, so I think I'm safe!) I used Dangling Tilda for this, and colored her with my beloved Copics. I even fussy cut it, which I hardly ever do!!!
Back side


The winner of last week's giveaway is....


Because that was so much fun, I'm doing it again this week!!
Up for grabs is this...
...packet of black rhinestones and a mini Maggie stamp!

Just leave your comment here on this post, and you will be entered to WIN!! You do not have to be a follower of my blog, but I do so love to have new bloggy friends. (*waves* to all the new ones from last week!!!) Good luck and thank you for visiting!!


Gail L said...

Good for you!
My room should EVER look organized like yours!
I use score tape every chance I get!!!
Love it, couldn't find my thicker one the other night, cause it's not where it should be!?
Really like the Valentine treat you made, and glad to hear you're getting some sleep!~

Liz Mays said...

I just don't know how you can keep track of everything you have even though it's organized. I feel like I'd buy things twice because I forgot I had them!

Anjeny said...

Yay for organized craft room and I am totally drooling over your IKEA shelf and magnolia stamps.

I use the score tapes, I order them all the time. They are totally awesome product to use. I like our SU sticky strip but the score tape is so much easier to use, you don't need to scissors to cut, you just tear them off yet they stand strong on your project.

I have been enjoying your posts tremendously, all the many awesome pictures and crafts.

Meihsia Liu said...

Wow... your room is awesome! Love all the drawers! ^_^

Spyder said...

oMGoodness what a lovely crafty room, all you need it a till and it'll be a shop! I love all those cupboards and drawers!
Happy WoYww #8


Bubbles said...

I cannot live without scor-tape. Other than my whole family get the giggles when they see "Sook wang" printed on it, it's a brilliant product (if somewhat expensive).
Wowsers! to the tidy... and I'm still gobsmacked at the "half my collection" comment.
The jar pressie is THE most adorable little gift ever - so cute!
Have a great WOYWW!
Bubbles #27

peggy aplSEEDS said...

oh wow, you have an awesome studio! i love how you've organized everything! i would love to have all that space! happy WOYWW!
peggy aplSEEDS

Anonymous said...

Happy WOYWW and please wait whilst I pick myself up from the floor! Your studio is wonderful, but it is also one of the reasons why I am having a big clear out and restricting myself to mainly digital crafting. I didn't have the time or budget to keep buying stash like I was last year, so I know myself and know that I just need to stop it NOW. I can admire your storage and collection of stamps though! Gorgeous Valentines gift. Thank you for the chance of winning (black gems are a must have for me). Ali x #34

Nikki said...

I love your room so neat and tidy and everything has a place. I can't wait till I get my own craftin space again and have an actual desk to layout what I'm creating thanks for the chance hugs Nikki C
*no desk this week had to clean up the floor

MrsC.x said...

o how tidy i love your space. my hubby saw over my shoulder when i was looking at your collection of clear mount SU and said dont get any ideas!!! lol am green with envy though!!!!

cute project for your eldest

and thanks for your comments on my blog yesterday xxx

Happy WOYWW Mrs.C #41

Helen said...

Oh, I would be in heaven if I had your very very tidy space!! It looks fabulous. Have a crafty week! Helen, 9

Lucy said...

Glad you were able to tidy up - it's a lovely feeling when it happens! Cute present for your daughter, she'll love it:) Lucy #23 x

ria gall said...

What a lovely tidy work space and well done you on the building work it looks good. I have tried to see the images of all those stamps, so many of them
Ria #44

Jackie said...

Wow what a
Tidy studio
Lovely studio
Organised studio
And you build shelves yourself!!!!!
Hope you have lots of fun in there love the gift for your daughter
Jackie 17

Unknown said...

Fantastic workroom space - love it and gorgeous gift for your daughter I'm sure she'll love it.
Don't need to enter me in the draw though 'cause I'm off Tilda lol.
Thanks for visiting earlier too.

crafty....du said...

wow your room is so yummy, a very well done on the organising :) I think that needs to happen in my room! Love your gift to your daughter that is so sweet

Following now too

Kerry @ 1

JoZart Designs said...

No chance my place will resemble your super neat space! It would batter my brain to try to ever keep it that tidy! It is amazing !
Jo x

Sue McDonald said...

WOW Jeannie that is an impressive amount of stamps and tidiness......

I love the gift you have made your daughter.......they don't usually read out blogs well I know mine don't

I must get my tidla's out and play with them they must feel a little neglected haven't bought any for ages and she is one I dont have.

thanks for giving us the chance to win her


Claire said...

wow!! what a crafting space!! now you're all organized, can we all come and play??
love the cute valentine for your daughter :)
happy WOYWW and a have wonderful week :)
no. 5
many thanks for stopping by already x

BJ said...

What a lovely tidy stamping studio, to "die for" I'd say. BJ swooning - Thanks for popping by my desk - Happy WOYWW BJ#42

Karen said...

Oh I dream of having a craft room, messy or tidy, I don't mind!!! You are so lucky! Fingers crossed for your prize draw! Karen 84 x

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

Hullo there Queenie, Mm well what blows my mind away with this post is the tidiness yes there is that.. but the content is the real jaw dropping matter... how many stamps do you have there must be thousands...
Still a very generous giveaway and not had not even heard of little Maggie stamps so learnt my new thing from your blog.. like to learn one new thing :D
Thanks so much for popping over and thanks for sharing ~ happy WOYWW! Shaz in Oz. x #40

Sarn said...

WOW - what a BEAUTIFUL craft room. I love how tidy and neat and organised everything is. My Inner Tidy Goddess is very happy!

Happy WOYWW.

Sarn xxx

Lunch Lady Jan said...

Wow, that is one wonderful craft space!! And you're a woman who can do it for herself...assemble shelves that is !! I love your Valentines gift for your daughter, such a lovely thought :)
Hugs, LLJ 36 xxxx

Roudi said...

Oh wow! You must be proud of your clean studio! I'm positive that I hear angels singing! lol

Happy WOYWW from Egypt. xx
Roudi # 94

Ann B said...

Thanks for visiting my blog already. I'm just catching up after a little more shopping this morning - more fabrics for my quilt.
Wish my craft space was half as large as yours and twice as tidy but not to be so I'll have to put up with the dining room table.
Ann B

Di said...

Fabby room there - any chance of popping over to the UK to help tidy here?

Such a sweet Valentine's Day make too, Happy WOYWW, Di xx

Anonymous said...

I LOVE how your beautiful tidy room looks. Love the chicken too, lol!! I've had rhinestone packets like that from SSS, a favourite place to order stuff from. Count me out of the giveaway please, not a Tilda type fan! Lovely Valentines gift though, really pretty.

Brenda 91

Unknown said...

Wow that is quite a collection you have there lady!!!! Well done all that tidying was worth it your room looks fab. I love the valentine gift idea your daughter will be thrilled. I have been thinking of trying score tape too. I know Laura Dennison of following the paper tail swears by it and she does some major paper engineering projects!! I look forward to seeing what you make of it. Thank you for popping by Happy WOYWW to you from Helen 55

voodoo vixen said...

You have every right to be well pleased with your efforts and it shows... so neat and tidy and organised. Love the little Valentine treat you made for your daughter too! Annette

Julia Dunnit said...

WOW! WOW! That space is enough to make a gal jealous! It looks very inviting! Love the Magnolia station - you have got it bad!!

Unknown said...

Well we already know I love and adore your craft space so I will ohhh and ahhh all over your tildas and the adorable dangling jar! Bella is going to love it! On that note I think I am off to try to play. wish me luck!

Unknown said...

Wowsers! That's just a lovely room. Mine was that clean when I re-organized it a week ago.. haha love it.

Craft Donkey

SandeeNC said...

I do hear the angels singing and a harp playing...and oh wait...a little devil saying, go play, mess it up, have some fun! lol Thanks as always for visiting my blog, waving hi from the windy and rainy hills of North Carolina ♥

Unknown said...

Your studio is looking so good it reminds me of one of those fab Michael's closets! Happy WOYWW! Sandy Leigh #104

Annelies said...

Your room looks fantastic Jeannie! And so much stuff, but hey I think we're all guilty of that:) Greetings from Belgium, Annelies

The Scrapbook Lady UK said...

Great work space, jenx

pearshapedcrafting said...

What a fantastic space you have there - and so tidy too! Chris#93

Unknown said...

Oh, I am green with envy, a room not just a space, and so tidy too, lovely.
Carol.x #56

The House of Bears said...

Wow, we are green with envy at your lovely craft space. Enjoy all your new stamps, stamping is one of our favourite craft hobbies. We've never heard of the tape you mentioned but may need to investigate now.

Thanks for visiting the bears this week.

Caro said...

I am sooo green with envy! Your space and stash is wonderful and all that lovely storage so neat and organised. Happy WOYWW. Thanks for sharing. Caro #60

lisa said...

What a fantastic room you have there and all that storage. Now I have lots of things I could come and put on that lovely empty table, I'll be round in a minute, lol.
Wow, that's a lot of Magnolia stamps.
Thanks for visiting earlier and Happy WOYWW
Hugs Lisax #63

Nicky said...

Love your tidy room that's my sort of craft room - never heard of scor-it tape ~ have a great week Nicky #13

Nelle said...

You hear people talk about a feel good movie, Well Jeannie i know what they mean. I always have that same feel good feeling when i spy OOPS! look in your studio. Every time i think one day that is what my room will look like.. (that will be the day)Yoy have some fab storage ideas.
Your daughter will love the valentine gift ,it is beautiful.
Nelle xx #75

505whimsygirl said...

Holy moly! I couldn't hear the angels signing because all I heard was the thumping of my heart!

What a great craft room! If only I had a designated craft room..... drats.


Elizabeth said...

I am so impressed at your uber organised craft room and I am totally gobsmacked too - your collections are pretty amazing! Congratulations on putting the cubby together on you own - nothing will stop you now :) Hope you've had a happy WOYWW, Elizabeth x #71

Alison Scott said...

Thanks for visiting today. What a heavenly room for crafting. You are so lucky. (I am a fetching shade of green at the moment)
Alison #72

fairy thoughts said...

wow that is some collection .... how do you remember what you have ... or are you like me and re-discover things from time to time.
well done for the re organisation
janet #32

toni said...

Fantastic workspace ! Superb organisation and love your little valentine gift x

Sheilagh said...

I love your room, so neat!!
This is my first visit to your blog and it made me smile it is such a happy looking blog. So I am now a follower :)

Sheilagh 79

Thanks for calling by.

Monica said...

So organized and tidy. I have to work in a mess and I am just tidying up to prepare to get rid of most of my fabrics and re-organize the space. To think I had this room designed to fit my sewing needs!
Monica 102

Claire Grantham said...

Happy WOYWW! Thanks for swinging by my blog. Love the amazing tidy beautiful room. The Valentine's gift is very sweet. Cx #88

RosA said...

WOW!! I am SO envious of your beautiful craft room! It looks so peaceful, and useful, as well! I just love what you have done there.
Thanks for visiting and for your kind comment. Much appreciated!

AiringMyLaundry said...

Wow, I am impressed on how organized the room is. Great job!

Tuire Flemming said...

All I can say is: WOW! I can do that only with photoshop ;)
Happy belated WOYWW!
Tuire #8

Annie said...

What an amazing room you have there and what a fab job you've done organising it all.
Sorry I'm so late calling round this week....twinnie time had to come first :-)
A x #62

Kath Stewart said...

wow your craft room looks so tidy...time to have fun and get it all messed up again......happy WOYWW hugs kath xxx

Gibby Frogett said...

Belated WOYWW greetings... thanks for visting yesterday too... and ohhh wow! I am in awe of your fabulous crafting room - great photos - very inspiring. Happy Crafting Gill x (#82)

Ali said...

Oh my goodness, I am sooo incredibly jealous of your craft room! It looks fantastic! So spacious and tidy and full of goodies!

And I think you may even have more clear mount Stampin' Up! stamp sets than me! :lol:

Oh and your little Valentines gift is just adorable. :)

Ali #73

Anonymous said...

Your space looks very clean and organized! And I love the little Valentine gift you made -- it is so cute -- I'm sure your daughter will love it. Happy WOYWW on Thursday from Laura #105 (Thanks for visiting me.)

Gaby said...

WOOOOW! What an amazing craft room! It's so tidy and organized - love it!
And your Magnolia's - soooo lovely!
Thank you for visiting me and leave a comment!
hugs, Gaby #98

Franka Benjaminsen said...

well done! Your room looks really clean. I love a clean workspace myself. Thanks for the advice for the video's of Suzanne Dean. I've found a great Copic Magnolia blog too: I think she's making wonderful cards and has some tutorials too. Thanks for visiting me. Bye, Franka

Unknown said...

Lovely space!

Christine said...

Wow! you have every right to be proud - betcha it don't stay that way, that little table .... I hear it saying 'use me, use me!'

thanks for your comment on my stitching - they are all finished and in the post, now onto the next one!!

Unknown said...

I am envious of your space!! Definitely well organized!! And LARGE! And your daughter's jar is adorable! Thanks for visiting my space! Happy WOYWW!
Carol N #103

Nan G said...

Wow! Wow! Oh wow! Oh my goodness...WOW!!! Someday mine room will look like that......not. :D I'm trying to get there, really I am. I'm a bit late desking...Happy WOYWW! Nan 107

Deanna said...

Lovin' your stamp area reorganization. Kind of unbelievable how many stamps you have. Wonderful set-up.

Do you still have my address for the giveaway?!? lol ;)

Shoshi said...

What a beautifully organised room, Jeannie! I am really envious. Since the craft show I've had another blitz on mine, putting things into my new Really Useful Boxes. Can't wait to get a new ARTHaven which I can design from scratch!

Thank you for your lovely comment, and I'm glad you like my new spoke guards!

Happy belated WOYWW,
Shoshi #111

Daniella said...

WOW! you have like a billion comments!! Who doesn't love a giveaway!!
What type of cases are you putting your stamps in?
Awesome space!!

Barb King said...

What a great craft space, I am envious, I need to get to work on mine. THanks for stopping by my blog. Barb

April said...

Oh My Goodness! Can you please please please come to my house and do what you did to your room to my room? It is so organized and neat and tidy. Mine looks as though a small tornado came through. And it only took you a day? Impressive. :-) Great haul of stamps on that desk, too. April #101
P.S. Thank you for stopping by my blog.

Stamper Gyrl said...

I love your stamp area it is great!
What is on your desk is awesome also!

okienurse said...

OMG! You went all out and straightened up I guess! Love all the stamps and cleared away work stations! Wanna come to my house? Thanks for visiting my desk and leaving such a nice comment. Have a great week and have a great time with those new Tilda's...don't own one just SU and a few others. Vickie #31

sandra de said...

Wow your space is amazing and to see how many stamps you have and all so beautifully organised. I am so impressed. the valentine gift is very sweet. Thanks for stopping by my blog.

Cardarian said...

WoW now that is what I call a really amazing craft room! So much space and order - ah I wish I had one like that ! And all those stamps! Huh! Enjoy playing in your lovely room with your lovely new stash!

Lindsay Weirich said...

wow! that looks amazing!!! Happy woyww! Lindsay #137

Joynana said...

Love love love your room it is so organized. Thanks for stopping by my blog and I am sorry to be so late, but I got here. #83

Angie said...

WOW! Your room is fantastic! I wish I could just pop over, I'd even bring sunshine for you! It's blazing today reflecting off the freshly fallen snow. Thanks for the visit and yes I'm addicted to those markers lol!
Angie #135

Wanda said...

Love love love your stamp room! Thanks so much for sharing your space. And a big thanks for stopping by Shack Scraps and saying hello! Its so nice to meet fellow stampers. Happy crafting!

mamapez5 said...

Better late than never, I am finally visiting some of my Wednesday blog-hopping friends. I just love your organised studio. I try to keep mine like that but I am running out of space! I have a lovely new set of storage shelves but already the mid-afternoon sun is finding them so I think I may have to put curtains across them to protect my pens and inkpads from drying out.
I am not a follower yet but very soon I am going to have a big sort out of my internet activities and start following just the people I really want to visit regularly! I will add you then. I have just visited your 'today' post and seen all the gorgeous puss-cat pictures. I have a resident 'fluffy' in my craft room who always looks grumpy, but she is lovely really. Enjoy your weekend.
Kate x

Queen Lightwell said...

Oooh, look how clean it is! Look at all that floor! And the table cleaned off, too! You were really on a roll girl! :) Great job on the Ikea shelf. And the others all look very well organized! Feels good, huh? :)
Thanks for visiting my blog already and letting me know my linky was messed up. I got it fixed and to answer your question about Scor-tape...I don't use it myself. Though I wanted some of the big sheets of it, once upon a time. I couldn't get them for a decent price though and settled on something else.
Now that's a nice haul of Magnolia stamps! I don't have a single one, myself. They are darling though, so I hope I win! :)
But even if I don't win I still want you to know I think its very sweet and generous of you to do *another*'re such a sweetie! :) Deeyll #164

Unknown said...

Your workspace looks so neat and organised. Thanks for visiting my blog - I thought about unmounting my wooden stamps but I have to say I still prefer wooden stamps even though they do take up more room.

LisaDV said...

Your space is so organized. That must be wonderful. Thanks for visting my blog. Happy late WOYWW. LisaDV#117

Amy E said...

Thanks for stopping by this week! I'm so sorry I'm running a week late in visiting, but life got in the way!

WOW!! Your craftroom is looking spectacular!!! And you have a Scrapbox work station...sigh. :)

Amy E. #6